Project 3 “The Subterraneans”

We made a magazine that makes people rethink about the society.

My idea for the first project was about “Change.”

Jemima’s was about time itself.

Hermione’s was about the business.

so we combined “change” and “Business” together.

We were inspired by the youtube video, “The century of Self,” talking about how the media control the society. The magazine is for waking people up from the massive brainwash by the advertisement and government.

First, we  gathered newspapers, and cut off the part we thought those were interesting, and made collages. We have 16 images of it, and those are the examples.

All of the images advocate something about the society. For example, the third image on the left side advocates how people have a standard life, and it brings people certain happiness and stable life. But at the same time, they are controlled by the rule of society.

And with all of the images, here is how we presented.

We put newspapers on the wall, as a symbol of the society, and put our posters on top of it. We played the video about the doll factory on the newspaper with posters, which we advocate that the doll are like human. Dolls don’t have control, and played by human. Just like the society play people.

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