Equally Ordinarily

So, here is the Final Version of  object, Equally Ordinarily.

These two objects are the box that represents the same depths and flatness. The 3D model of left box is the negative space of a building, while another 3D model is printed as way the building looks like.

The flame on left side represents flatness, while another one shows the depths.

Because both objects represents the same amount of depths and flatness, it is Equally Ordinarily.

I chose to paint the surface by gouache to express how even such a concept that requires the preciseness of perfection shouldn’t be precisely perfect. In 2018, the machine can make preciser than human being in general, and human technique wouldn’t be able to win the competition if we compete on preciseness unless one practice to make this shape for one’s entire life.

However, human is capable of express how one feel to the object, which it’s impossible for machine.

As result, the box came off reasonably equally ordinarily, but at the same time, it achieved something that machine can’t afford to achieve.

Here is the final version of drawing the architecture. The shadow of the drawing is somehow surrealistic, which computer would take it as “error” because of shadow. However, the shape of triangle still represent a shape of shadow, but in surrealistic way considering the position of sun.

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