Proposal Presentation Feedback

Today, after the proposal presentation and talking out ideas, I managed to finally think of a project that I believe will relate to my theme “leaving traces” and combine the two main currents from my proposal: DNA heritage and information transmission from generation to generation. I spoke to Anne and Lorraine about how when recreating a piece of art it made me think about the Spanish Civil War and how my grandmother, who lived it, will always tell a different story to my father, who will tell a different story than I will. Each time if becomes more and more dehumanized. From here, we decided to use the idea of story transmission specifically in the context of the Spanish Civil War in my family. Also, I personally did not want to lose the idea of the casts that I was making since I found it quite powerful and strong. 

I finally came up with this idea. The idea of casting my grandmothers hand, my fathers hand and my hand. Each of them holding what is a testimony of what the Civil War meant or has meant to them. How do they see it? What are the stories they have been told? Each letter will be connected to a string and the letters will be played our loud since I will record each person talking about it. Finally, I believe that they should be written and said in Spanish since I don’t want to lose the culture component, however, I do want people to understand the testimonies so I will have either translations or subtitles playing.

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