Curiosity Journal


As the professor discussed in the class, an advertisement is constructed to attract people to buy the products. In the article, “Rhetoric of the Image” tells us how the advertisement has enough communication to show the image of the product that customer wants. However, I found this advertisement of Subway, that tells to eat their sandwich by having attention from the audience instead of showing their product in the more attractive way. It is interesting to me because the linguistic message is pretty clear, and straightforward, unlike every other advertisement. The connotation of this ads is to make people convince to buy their product by showing the value of advertisement itself. Under the text of “SEX!!” it says “Now that we have your attention. Eat at subway.” The customer gets attention to it and is convinced to buy their food even though the sandwiches have nothing to attract the customer. I consider this advertisement as a clever one. Imagine if you are driving on highway, hungry and see this advertisement. Subway is also big chained store that everybody knows in America. If you see it in highway and want to have a break, you would go there. The advertisement can give you enough attention without showing the project that they are selling, but still convincible to bring the customer to the store. I believe that good advertisement has to stand by other advertisements to get the attention of the customer and lead the customer to do what the designer wants from the advertisement. This “SEX!!” ads have both powers without showing their product, and that is why it was interesting to me.


Pouillon Fernand, Meudon-La-Foret

I went on a field trip to Meudon-La-Foret for Collective Work today. According to my professor, the place was planned by this person, Pouillon Fernand, who is not even architect. All of the architecture in the area looked similar, the same pattern. The whole town was minimalistic and simple. One thing that stocked in my mind from his lecture about Fernand is that, when he was planning the urban construction in Algeria, only his building was lived by French and Muslim people although that was taboo to do so, that symbolize the equality, but at the same time, the idea of communism. In fact, the town gave me the idea of towns from communist countries, even though I have never been to any of those places. His idea was equality, which follows the idea of communism at the same time. Perhaps, communism is not a bad strategy at the end of the day, and I said that because some people loved Fernand, and one community bought the entire town from the country of France. The area was not even good location; it took more than an hour to get there from Paris. That made me rethink about how American advertisement has too much power to brainstorm many people in huge scale. Some people are happy to live in a communist community, and America always tries to fight against them even though they hadn’t harm anything. The cold war is a good example of how America (but also the Soviet Union) messed up with countries where has no business with them but following the idea that the U.S. doesn’t like. Today’s trip made me rethink the fact of what America has done, and never admit the fact that they destroyed many peaceful communities.


Taste of Picture

Today, I would like to write about what I thought from the class on Frinday. It is about this photographer who I don’t even remember his name because I didn’t like his work at all. He came to the class and gave us a lecture about the history of Meudon-La-Foret, and he considers himself as an artist. However, art has many forms. His work was all about documentary because the “landscape” pictures that he took was so bad that everyone can take. Those pictures looked like the images from a textbook in elementary school. Nothing creative. I really didn’t want to take pictures like him, so I tried to take pictures from many perspectives, and see what fits the best to the architecture. And I realize, the best way to have an impact on an architectural picture is to know what picture you are taking, to understand the shape of the picture, and to emphasize the shape of the picture. However, I have never taken a photography course, so it is only my perspective. Many buildings from the area were literally square, so I eventually took those pictures in front of the building. It was literally lines of the square, but I felt that it had an impact, well detailed, but simple at the same time. I really liked the picture I took, and I was super satisfied. It interested me how the architecture can be shown in many different ways depends on how one takes it. However, please don’t talk about this to Guillaume, the professor of collective work. This paragraph is a secret that we are sharing. Thank you.

Design of a man from Leonard De Vinci

This image of a man from De Vinci seems a sense of calculated picture because of the forms around the man. I wanted to know why it is there, so I quick sketched it, so I thought I would have a deeper understanding of this picture. After I drew it, I made a theory of the square and the circle. I think it is giving a sense of balance to the man. You can locate the center of the square, where an edge of circle attaches to square, located at foot of the man gives a sense of the center of the man. He stands up straight and opens his second leg accordingly to the edge of the circle. That somehow makes the man stable and balanced, even calculated. My challenge to sketch this picture was to fit the man inside of the square. When I sketched it starting with the center of the body, where the penis is located, it made drawing it really hard to fit his head inside of the square. I drew the penis first because it seemed to be the center of the square. And yes, the upper body was perhaps a bit too big which I always do whenever I draw a person. The strongest question that appeared to me was, why there are lines at knees, elbows, wrists, and shoulders. I just came up with the idea that the lines could be three squares inside of the biggest squares, but he erased it. It has been my hobby to draw famous images because it gives me a theory about the style of the artists, and how things work in their world.


The Art Forger

The art forgery is one of the most interesting “jobs.” It is technically a crime to make a masterpiece of forgery and make a profit, but only who are extremely talented of drawing can make the forgeries. With the talent, they can almost make anything, but the forger still chose to be a forgery. A criminal. I tend to draw a copy of masterpiece just to practice drawing, but I am still not in the level to draw something that exactly looks like the masterpiece. Drawing master pieces can teach you a lot of stuff such as why the artist set the object there in the picture especially in surrealism. The masterpiece of Dali Salvador, “The Persistence of Memory” looks chaotic and literally surrealistic, but when I sketched it, it told me why the shadows are there, how the clock is melting and actually looks comfortable enough to see. It is like, observing inside of brain of Dali. I understand the pleasure of drawing the forgery because I can learn a lot more stuff about the artist than learning the art history. However, it is still illegal to make them and get profit out of it, and the saddest thing is, the forgery would never become your own work. It has to make one feel this emptiness especially when people admire it. I am super interested to learn about the forgers and keep drawing the copies.



Snow has some kind of power. Power to make one feel pleasure when one sees it but make one feel lonely and cold when one is lonely. When it snows, it brings me depression and laziness without a reason especially when I am inside, but it also brings me an energy and happiness when I interact with it. It is nothing to do with science, but the feeling from the heart. My one of my flatmate loves this weather, and he always goes outside and enjoys the snow. First, I couldn’t understand it because it is extremely cold outside, but I suddenly decided to come with him. It ends up four people went to park and play in the snow. Especially, He showed me a different perspective of snow. We started to throw snowballs and eventually made a huge snowman. While I was having fun with snow, I forgot about how cold it was, and I was focused on making this snowman. After we made it, we took a couple pictures with it and went back to our apartment. We set the snowman up where we could see from our window, so we could appreciate the view. I was satisfied with the time I spent in the coldness and being in a good mood while showering. After I got out of a shower, we saw this group of people who were breaking our snowman. It really made me pissed off, and even sad about their existence. I also noticed that I was having such emotion to this snowman even though I don’t like this weather, and I knew somebody was going to destroy it, eventually. It was an interesting experience in snow.



I went to my friend’s apartment today to have a dinner with her today. We got red wine with great Asian food, and we talked a lot. She started to talk about her friend back in high school, and drama that she has been through. It was interesting enough to write about, and how I thought about it, so I am writing it down. The story starts at how annoying her “friend” was. This girl was petty and have this bad attitude that she thinks its other people’s fault when they don’t like her. She was transferred to my friend’s high school, and my friend was the best friend with this girl who was bullied by her. she didn’t like her because she didn’t like my friend’s friend and tried to take my friend’s circle in high school. She is also type of person who is very friendly to someone with money and act drunk with a tiny bit of wine. Basically, I heard a lot of bad thing about her, but here is what I think. She was probably really depended person with a lot of pride, and she wants to be a leader in friend’s circle. She hated my friend because my friend was friend of the one who she hated, but also, my friend was closer to the circle. I know a few people who needs so much attention and can be “bitchy” when she is not satisfied. Well, it is really hard to deal with people like that, and I don’t want to be involve with that kind of drama, but at the same time, I understand I have to eventually have to deal with them in actual society, and maybe it is good thing to know how to deal with that kind of person. Everybody is unique and have strength and weakness. Oh well, I have to learn how to deal with that kind of person eventually.


Curiosity Journal -ykjkg4

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